Beet it!

For many people beetroot means big jars of crinkle cut slices pickled in vinegar but here at littleseed we are all about eating our beets fresh from the ground (after a bit of cooking, of course!).

So here is why we BIG INTO BEETROOT!

When it comes to cutting down on food waste, beetroot is top of the leader board as the leaves, stalks and root can be eaten and its earthy, distinctive flavour and nutritional value have escalated it to the root you can't beat!

The greens, which are rich in calcium, iron and vitamins A and C can be cooked up and enjoyed in the same way as spinach. Great news for your immune system and for healthy skin, strong bones and teeth.

Beetroots are also an excellent source of folic acid (helps the body form healthy red blood cells and is advised for expectant mums) and a very good source of fibre, manganese (which helps make and activate some enzymes in your body) and potassium (this helps control the balance of fluids in your body and is good for your muscles including your heart). You could say it’s a bit of a superfood!

Traditionally beetroot has always been boiled to allow the skin to be removed but here are some of our favourite ways to enjoy this home-grown super food.

  • Chop the leaves off, drizzle with natural rapeseed oil and salt & pepper then roast in the oven. After roasting the skins should peel away easily.

  • Add boiled or roasted beetroot to your homemade dips. Blitz chunks of beetroot in a blender with chickpeas, natural rapeseed oil and garlic to create a delicious dip with the WOW factor!

  • Add some beetroot to your brownies! Beetroot and chocolate is always a winning combination and the beetroot adds the most beautiful colour.


Littleseedlings on the farm


Simple, sustainable, seasonal