Three ways with roasted veg

Recipes using roasted vegetables

We love a good fridge raid to make sure we keep food waste to a minimum and time after time it’s the veg drawer where we find a bunch of things that need saving from being banished to the bin.

Cut down food waste

A tray of roasted veg is a great way to cut down on food waste and both our Extra Virgin British rapeseed oil and our new Garlic & Herb rapeseed oil are both great for combining with a selection of chopped veggies for roasting.

Simply add littleseed

Just add a couple of tablespoons to your veg selection and stir to coat, lay them on a baking tray and roast in the oven on a high heat for half an hour.

So now what? Well you could just eat them as a side dish (try them as alongside Port, Mint and Balsamic Pulled Lamb with Feta) or try out one of our three ways with roasted veg recipes.

  1. Sausage, fennel and roasted veg ragu - This one will become a firm family favourite and is a delicious alternative to your regular spag bol. Packed with hidden veggies it’s a great one way for the whole family to get their five a day.

  2. Roasted veg and lentil soup - Even if you’re not in the mood for soup, batch cook this one and pop it in the freezer. You’ll have that excellent feeling of knowing you saved some veg from the bin and you’ve got a meal in the freezer for another day.

  3. Roasted veg and houmous on toast with feta cheese. Toast a slice of sourdough, spread with houmous and then top with roasted veg and crumbled feta. It’s the perfect easy and delicious lunch.


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