Dairy Free Mince Pies

Dairy free mince pies made with littleseed rapeseed oil

Makes 12


  • 2½ tbsp littleseed Extra Virgin British Rapeseed Oil

  • 175g Wessex Mill Plain Flour

  • Pinch of salt

  • 1 egg, plus another beaten for glazing (or oat milk if you prefer) 

  • 3½ tbsp cold water

  • 1 jar of The Bay Tree Boozy Mincemeat 


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 190C / Gas Mark 5.

  2. To make the pastry beat together the littleseed Rapeseed Oil, water, and egg. 

  3. Combine the flour, salt and sugar and add to the wet ingredients until it forms a soft dough. 

  4. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to about 4mm thickness and use a pastry cutter (about 10cm diameter) and cut 12 place individual mince pie bases and place in a non- stick bun tin.

  5. Using a teaspoon, spoon a small amount of the mincemeat into each mince pie base.

  6. Re-roll out the remaining pastry on the floured surface and using a smaller cutter than the base, cut out 12 tops for the pies. 

  7. Once the pies are topped, brush with beaten egg for a lovely brown glaze. (or use oat milk if you prefer). 

  8. Bake for around 20 mins until golden brown.

  9. Once cooled, sprinkle a dusting of icing sugar over the mince pies for decoration.

Cooking Time

20 minutes

Prep Time

20 minutes


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